Frank LoMonte, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Brechner Center for Freedom of Information director, was quoted in “There’s No Standard Among Colleges’ COVID Vaccination Dashboards” published in The Chronicle of Higher Education on Sept. 2. The story focuses on the lack of consistency when publicizing vaccination rates at universities making…
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Ten journalists from across the country have been awarded grants to pursue in-depth reporting projects about government secrecy through the Brechner Center for Freedom of Information at the University of Florida. The inaugural Brechner Reporting Fellowships were created to benefit journalists who have lost jobs or experienced furloughs resulting from…
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University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Brechner Center for Freedom of Information, under the direction of Frank LoMonte, was recognized in the editorial, “Clear Communication from Law Enforcement is Crucial,” published in the Seattle Times on June 26. The editorial focuses on the criticism the King County (Wash.)…
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Newsworthy video from school surveillance cameras can’t be withheld from the public on the grounds of student privacy, a group of open-government groups argues in a brief filed with a Pennsylvania appeals court. The brief, authored by the Brechner Center’s Frank LoMonte and David Jadon, supports television journalists from Harrisburg who used their state’s Right-to-Know-Law to request footage of a school-bus security camera that captured an altercation between a parent and a student.
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