Brechner News

Frank LoMonte Comments on First Amendment Issues

Posted: October 31, 2017

Frank LoMonte, director of the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Brechner Center for Freedom of Information, commented in the article “Windowpanes Without Messages” published in Inside Higher Ed on Aug. 25. The article focuses on the Ohio State University ban on decorations in dormitory windows. The decision prompted student ire and a First Amendment debate. LoMonte claims that if the ban was for safety or maintenance-related reasons, the university would be legally protected from charges of squelching freedom of expression. “If the university didn’t want political messages in people’s windows because it might offend passersby, that’s a…

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Frank LoMonte Comments on USF Newspaper and School Administration Issues

Frank LoMonte

Posted: October 31, 2017

Frank LoMonte, director of the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Brechner Center for Freedom of Information, was quoted in “Admins Inquire About Newspaper, Oversight in Question” published in The Crow’s Nest, the student newspaper for the University of South Florida St. Petersburg. In the article, LoMonte commented on the problems college newspapers face when housed in a journalism department or in a school’s student life department. “I think that journalism should not be regarded as an academic activity because then you get academics, well intentioned or not, trying to micromanage the paper,” LoMonte said.

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