Brechner Report
Volume 23, Number 11
November 1998
A monthly report:
Michele D. Bush, Editor
Jackie Thomas, Production Coordinator
Allyson Beutke, Production Assistant
Jennifer Page, Production Assistant
Bill F. Chamberlin, Ph.D., Director
Sandra F. Chance, J.D., Asst. Director
Brechner Center for Freedom of Information
3208 Weimer Hall
College of Journalism and Communications
University of Florida, Gainesville, 32611
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room not a meetings law violation
Judge reverses access to
hospital ruling
must release records about informer's payments
Collier County did
not violate records law
dealer's information should be open to public
Candidate not subject to
records law
Campus bookstore
must share professor's orders
Official arrested for illegal
Beach revises store's advertising requirements
Model may move forward with
Felon's suit against
paper dismissed
Court questions
definition of public figure
Lake Worth paper sued for
New Jersey series wins
Brechner Award
may help agencies avoid records law
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Overcrowded room not a
meetings law violation
PUNTA GORDA – After more than a year of
investigation, a state attorney determined that the Punta Gorda Community Redevelopment
Agency did not violate Florida’s Public Meetings Law. Citizens filed complaints
with the state attorney in July of 1997, complaining that a CRA meeting violated the law
because there was not enough space in the meeting room to hold everyone who wanted to
watch it. The crowd overflowed into the halls and the parking lot outside the room. The
city piped the meeting over speakers into the parking lot. State Attorney
Joseph D’Alessandro said in his report that the city took adequate measures to
accommodate the crowd. (9/12/98)
reverses access to hospital ruling
TARPON SPRINGS – A circuit judge has revised his
ruling about the accessibility of hospital meetings in light of a new Florida law.
Originally, Judge Crockett Farnell, 6th Judicial Circuit, said the Helen Ellis Memorial
Hospital was subject to Florida’s Open Records and Open Meetings laws (The
Brechner Report, July 1998). Judge Farnell reversed his ruling after the 1998 Florida
Legislature enacted an exemption to the open government laws for private, non-profit
corporations leasing public hospitals. Judge Farnell said that the hospital
fits the requirements of the exemption, and is therefore not subject to open government
laws. (9/25/98 – 9/26/98)
Police must release
records about informer’s payments
ST. PETERSBURG – The 2nd District Court of Appeal
ruled that the St. Petersburg police must release records regarding payments to an
informer during the past decade. Public Defender Bob Dillinger sought the records.
The city argued that releasing the information would compromise the safety of
informers. The court ruled that because the informer’s identity had been
revealed when he testified in a criminal trial last year, the police department should
release to Dillinger the records pertaining to the dollar amounts paid to the informer,
omitting information about the informer’s assignments. (9/12/98)
County did not violate records law
NAPLES - A Collier County circuit judge ruled that the
county did not violate Florida’s Public Records law when it failed to produce zoning
records. Businessman Samuel Smart filed suit against the county after several
requests for records regarding a road near his property. Smart wanted to prove that the
road was private, so he requested any records from the county showing the road was public.
An assistant county attorney said filling the request was impossible because the county
had no records showing the road was public. Judge Ted Brousseau, 20th Judicial
Circuit, said the county did not violate the law because the records did not exist.
dealers’ information should be open to public
TALLAHASSEE – Securities dealers’ applications
and disciplinary reports are public records, according to Attorney General Bob
Butterworth. Butterworth issued an opinion that said that such records are open to
the public because they are used by the Department of Banking and Finance to license and
regulate securities dealers doing business in Florida. Butterworth also said
in AGO 98-54 that the records should remain accessible to the public even though they are
stored and maintained by two national organizations, the National Association of
Securities Dealers and the North American Securities Administration Association. The
organizations maintain the records electronically in the National Association of
Securities Dealers Central Registration Depository, a clearing house of
information. In Florida, when a public agency delegates its responsibility to
maintain records it uses to perform its functions, the records should remain accessible to
the public, Butterworth said. (8/28/98
not subject to records law
TALLAHASSEE – An unopposed candidate running for
election should not be considered a member-elect for purposes of Florida’s Open
Records and Open Meetings laws until after the election, according to Attorney General Bob
Butterworth. Butterworth said in AGO 98-60 that the election must first take place
before a candidate is considered a member-elect by the Florida Election Code. Therefore,
the candidate does not have to comply with open records and meetings laws until after the
election. (10/1/98)
Campus bookstore must share
professors’ orders
DADE COUNTY – An appellate court ruled that a
private bookstore is required to share professors’ book requests for two Florida
universities. Barnes and Noble, an on-campus bookstore at Florida Atlantic and
Florida International universities, distributed forms that professors filled out
requesting certain books be carried by the bookstores. The Third District Court of
Appeal ruled that the book requests are public records and Barnes and Noble is the
custodian of those records. Booksmart, a private bookstore, asked for access
to the forms, claiming they were public records. Booksmart wanted copies of the forms so
it, too, could stock the books professors would be using for their classes. The trial
court in the 11th Judicial Circuit had denied Booksmart’s request. Barnes and
Noble argued that the completed forms were trade secrets and that the company was not
acting as an agent for the universities. The forms are made and used in
connection with university business, and therefore should be open to any member of the
public, the court said. Booksmart’s reasons for accessing the forms are irrelevant in
the case, the court said. (8/19/98)
arrested for illegal access
FORT PIERCE – A county commissioner was arrested
after allegedly directing employees to illegally obtain computerized voter rolls,
according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Former County Commissioner
Ken Sattler was charged with computer theft, a felony, and violating state election codes,
a misdemeanor. The two employees he directed to get the voter rolls were also
charged. Bob Searl, director of automated services, and William Klimovich, a systems
analyst, got the names and addresses of all voters in St. Lucie County for
Sattler. Sattler admitted to the FDLE that he had asked the county employees
to get the records, bypassing the records custodian, because it was taking too long for
the custodian to fill his records request. Sattler, who resigned his position as
county commissioner after his arrest, and Klimovich admitted to illegally accessing the
records, according to the FDLE. Klimovich told the FDLE in an affidavit that he accessed
and copied the records out of friendship and the possibility of career advancement.
Sattler used the voter rolls to send political flyers to republicans in his failed bid for
re-election in October. (10/8/98)
Palm Beach revises
store’s advertising requirements
PALM BEACH -- The Town Council of Palm Beach revised its
original proposed advertising restrictions, which would have required a new Neiman Marcus
department store to promise to advertise in publications that serve only Palm Beach.
The council was attempting to limit the number of nonresident shoppers in the store. (The
Brechner Report, August, 1998) After members of the media expressed their
concerns with the constitutionality of the provision, the town council revised the
provision to require Neiman Marcus to advertise mainly in media that targets the
town’s limits. But the store is not prohibited from advertising outside the
town’s limits. (10/1/98)
Model may
move forward with lawsuit
WEST PALM BEACH – The 4th District Court of Appeal
has cleared the way for a model to sue an insurance company for defamation over photos the
insurance company used for advertising. Paul V. Facchina Jr. sued Mutual Benefits
Corp., claiming that the insurance company implied in advertisements that he was a
homosexual dying from AIDS. The insurance company advertises benefits for the terminally
ill in publications directed toward homosexuals. Facchina said he had signed a contract
with the company that said the photographs would be used solely in relation to advertising
for life insurance policies and "related interests." The appellate court
ruled that Facchina can move forward on his complaint against the insurance company.
Facchina is seeking damages for humiliation, loss of reputation, severe emotional distress
and loss of employment opportunities and profits. (9/23/98)
suit against paper dismissed
TAMPA – A circuit judge dismissed a convicted
felon’s defamation suit against the Tampa Tribune. Raymond McMahon sued
the newspaper, claiming a columnist defamed him by publishing a column just before
McMahon’s parole hearing that included information from a third party that may have
been false. McMahon is serving a life sentence after being convicted of two counts of
first-degree murder. He has also served a two-year sentence for kidnapping a 7-year-old
girl, and he was charged and jailed for entering a hospital and cutting open
patients’ surgical gowns. Judge James S. Moody, 13th Judicial Circuit, said he
dismissed McMahon’s claim because the libel proof doctrine bars an action such as
McMahon’s. According to the libel proof doctrine, a person’s reputation may be
so badly tarnished that the person cannot be further injured by allegedly false
statements. (Decisions on file: McMahon v. Tribune Co., Case No. 01-98-862, Sept.
20, 1998)
questions definition of public figure
ORLANDO – The Second District Court of Appeal
reversed the dismissal of a defamation complaint against the Florida Democratic
Party. C.C. "Doc" Dockery sued the FDP claiming that it defamed him by
distributing flyers that said he and his wife were under investigation for tax evasion.
Dockery’s wife was running for a seat in the Florida House of Representatives at the
time the flyers were distributed. The trial court dismissed Dockery’s suit
because it said that he fit the definition of a public figure. The appellate court said
that the trial court came to that determination without evidence. Therefore, the appellate
court overturned the dismissal. (8/21/98)
Lake Worth
paper sued for libel
LAKE WORTH – A Lake Worth man filed a libel suit
against The Lake Worth Herald Press after the newspaper inaccurately reported
charges against him. The paper reported that Michael Sarge was arrested and charged
with "causing death/bodily injury while driving with a suspended license." Sarge
had been arrested and charged with driving with a suspended license. The newspaper
published a retraction. Sarge filed a $15,000 libel suit against the paper, claiming
that the discrepancy injured his reputation and exposed him to hatred and ridicule.
Jersey series wins Brechner Award
GAINESVILLE – A reporter from The Asbury Park
Press, a New Jersey daily newspaper, won the 13th Annual Joseph L. Brechner
for Freedom of Information Award for a series on the state’s antiquated public
records law. Paul D’Ambrosio won the award for his series, "The Right to
Know Nothing," which showed that the law worked against citizens attempting to access
government information. The series also profiled a failed reform bill which would have
made all government documents, whether stored on paper or computerized, open to the public
unless specifically exempted. The bill moved slowly through the legislature. After several
rewrites, the bill lost its effectiveness and failed at the end of the session. The
Brechner Center will give D’Ambrosio a $3,000 cash award during an awards ceremony
Nov. 9. (10/12/98)
Privatization may help agencies
avoid records law
By Susan Tilloston Mills
Two recent decisions of Florida appellate courts signal
a welcome judicial trend toward disregarding privatization as a means of shielding
government activity from public scrutiny. Both cases recognize that private companies that
provide private services in place of the government may be treated as government agencies
under Florida’s Public Records Act based merely on the nature of the services they
The Act extends to records of private companies who act
"on behalf of" government agencies. Government agencies are delegating more and
more of their responsibilities to private companies. Florida citizens are now invoking the
"on behalf of" provision of to get a peak at records of the private companies
that do business with the government. In response, the Florida Supreme Court in Sun
Sentinel v. Schwab Twitty & Hanser developed a multi-factor test that required
consideration of several factors to determine whether a private company was acting
"on behalf of" the government agency.
The application of this test potentially requires
extensive – and expensive – discovery before the court can decide whether a
private contractor is acting "on behalf of" the government. As a result, it may
seem cost-prohibitive for a citizen to gain even simple records from private contractors.
Inevitable, this economic reality will deter many otherwise legitimate public records
Schwab Twitty involved a private contractor that
provided its services to a governmental agency. The Florida Supreme Court determined that
the architectural firm was not subject to the public records law. Florida courts are
beginning to acknowledge the marked difference between a company like Schwab Twitty and
private companies that contractually assume responsibility for a governmental function.
That is, while some private companies merely provide services to the government, others
provide a service to the public in place of the government.
It makes little sense to distinguish between the records
of a government agency providing essential services and a private company providing the
same services. It makes no sense to allow private contractors to hide behind a test that
requires the cost-prohibitive discovery before the public can review the records that
would have been easily reviewable in the hands of the government. Such and outcome merely
offers greater incentive to the government to privatize essential functions and avoid the
mandates of the Act.
In Stanfield v. Salvation Army, the Salvation
Army had agreed to administer the misdemeanor probation services for Marion County. The
court concluded that the Salvation Army was not merely providing a service to Marion
County; rather, it was providing a service in place of Marion County. In this situation,
the court decided as a matter of law that the Salvation Army was acting "on behalf
of" Marion County. No extended or protracted litigation concerning the individual
factors was necessary.
More recently, the Lakeland Ledger requested
certain records from Prison Health Services, a private company that had provided medical
services to Polk County inmates. The records concerned the disposition of a lawsuit filed
by an inmate’s widow, alleging inadequate medical care. Like the Salvation Army, PHS
and the county explicitly agreed that PHS’s records, at least as they pertained to
health care, were public records. Nevertheless, PHS refused to produce the records and
insisted that the trial court could only decide whether PHS had been acting "on
behalf of" the county after a prolonged discovery process.
Based on the contract, the trial court concluded that
PHS had acted "on behalf of" the county and granted summary judgement. The court
further held that in refusing to surrender the records, PHS had acted unlawfully, which
means that an award of attorney’s fees would be permissible. The Second District
Court of Appeal affirmed both conclusions and awarded appellate attorney’s fees. PHS
has asked the Florida Supreme Court to review both rulings under its discretionary
Stanfield and PHS make it clear that
Florida courts will not permit public agencies to avoid the spirit of the Public Records
Act by out-sourcing their important functions. If a private company agrees to provide
government services in place of the government, it should be prepared to open up the
relevant records for inspection.
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